
Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Blogger's Block

The mornings are bleak
The days are dull
The dusks are gloomy
The nights just null,

Depression hits hard
After the initial shock,
Please beware of
Blogger's Block.

What on earth
Can one write next?
Avoid logging on,
Under any pretext,

The mind's a blank ,
More than usual? You mock!
But I just smile sadly,
it's Bloggers's block.

I will lose my public,
Their attention is Fleeting,
But I will lose my Job,
If I write more in this Meeting.

So go log on elsewhere!
Fickle readers, that you are.
But come back tomorrow,
And you could win a car!

I lied! I lied!
There's no car on offer!
My creative license has expired..
And what the hell rhymes with offer?

Clearly losing it now,
But I've got a plan,
After you lot have gone,
Mother will still be a fan



  1. Fear not
    The tide will turn
    Your ideas
    Will return

    Soon you will
    Type again
    Sure as mud
    Follows rain

  2. My dear Ms lal
    You’re quite the stud
    You write so well
    You’re not a dud

    The urge will return
    And write more you shall
    About me and tambi
    And mini and your pal

    So sit tight and wait
    And don’t resort to murder
    Inspiration will come
    But you’re always a duh duh


  3. i get the feeling I'm sitting on the back bench of an extremely boring class and having the time of my life.....

  4. oh dear lord
    what have i done
    a rhyming spree
    hath begun

    please stop it,men
    for only a nerd
    would not let the woman
    have the last word


Hi there. Go on, say it. Well? WELL?