
Thursday, December 27, 2007

Family Fun

Got a lot of of my family down for a few days, so no time to post much.

We have in the house my mother, my sister, two masis, two female cousins, and one male cousin. This makes it 9 females to 2 males, including Vijay.

When Vijay was teased about being so badly outnumbered, he just smiled placidly and remarked. 'That's okay. I'm used to it'.

I figured he was talking about constantly being surrounded by me, Peanut, the K and Zareena.

He continued, 'Even when it's only Y and me, I am still outnumbered'.


Tabboo is proving to be a really fun family game, again. No time to go into the details, but the one that shone today was:

My Masi was to make the team guess the word 'Evaluation'.

An easy one, this, she thought, and said

'This is what you do at the end of an examination'.

She must be so proud of her son, my cousin Abhi, who quickly and authoritatively replied



There is a lot of the usual family stuff happening, including watching old, old home movies. This, one would imagine, would be very painful for Vijay, but instead he has been quite fascinated to see what we were all like ten years ago. My mother has brought with her some old scraps and letters that I wrote when I was a mere child, some of which are quite amusing and most of which are very embarassing.

There is this one piece I've written on 'The advantages of having working parents'. Am going to try and scan and post that. Perhaps this will convince me that it's time to go back to work soon. Sigh. But for now - Happy Holidays, everyone!


  1. I guess any self-respecting woman easily out-numbers her husband:)
    I certainly outweigh mine(:

    Eagerly awaiting your childhood correspondence!

  2. So lovely to have family around at this time of year no? And peanut must be the star as usual.
    Happy Christmas to y'all.

    And waiting for the scan. That would be some read.

  3. Happy happy happy happy holidays to you peanut ki mummy...and i love love love reading your blog!! :)

  4. The problem with women is that they suffer from a weakness self-delusion. Women who keep demanding equality with men certainly aren't talking about urban indian relationships. Equality would be a significant step down.

    Today I went into what is called a cloud forest [Incidentally I'm in Costa Rica, and yes I will blog about it once I'm back]. Our guide showed us the nest of a newly discovered species of bats. Apparently the male builds the nest and then the female comes, takes a look at it and often decides it doesn't meet her standards. The poor male then builds a new one. I stood there looking at the nest, feeling bad for the poor sod of a male bat and almost involuntarily said, "So all species are the same then."

    Poor Vijay, poor Abhi - I hope they survive. But it must be fun to have the whole family there - so hello to all of them who know me.

    Ok byeeeeee


Hi there. Go on, say it. Well? WELL?