
Thursday, February 21, 2008

Old Pictures

Mom finally scanned some and sent them across. Walk down memory lane with me for a bit.

Me with my brother. He looks real innocent but I bet he was going to push me off the swing...nahh....
We lowed each other as kids...see?

Here's me posing.

Sigh. Here's me posing again, a few years later.
And here's me with my Merc. Just call me Y Bond. Can you tell I was a bit of a poser?

But here's a spontaneous one - and I think it captures just about the happiest moment of my life.

Oh, but my favourites are these with my sister. I am so glad she came along - childhood became a lot more interesting with her around.


  1. Cute pics. Oh! how cherished these memories must be for you.

    You do have a resemblance with peanut :)

  2. awww... this is SO adorable!! how abt VJs bachpan ke photos now?! :D
    yeah... peanut sure looks JUST like u!
    p.s.: i LOWWE d pic of u in the khet...very star-like!

  3. Lol! So cute! I esp love the last few giggly ones! I ought to scan some of my old photos too, good memories! :D

  4. Beautiful pics :) Peanut looks a lot like you.

  5. Even I can't come up with something smart-ass-ish to say. What sweet photographs. The one with the ice cream cone and the resulting look of sheer bliss on your face is just adorable. Well done duh duh.

    PS: The under-19 cricket world cup is going on. India has a player called Napoleon Einstein. Isn't that just wonderful? He won't know whether to be revolutionary or brilliant.

  6. The ones with you and gitsy are sooo adorable!! Well i am a bit biased also!!

    @Ganju - Couldnt stop laughing at the P.S as i thought the same thing when watching the World Cup Match

  7. *smile*


    so that's where peanut gets her cheeks from.

  8. u were soooo cute!! awesome pics.

    umm...i mean..i'm sure u're still cute :)

    the ice cream one is the best!!

  9. Nice pics :)

    Hence proved : baby you looked just like Peanut !

    You look exactly the same as you did when you were 4-5(whatever your age was in that field wala photo !) - ofcourse, comment is based on the few pics you had pasted on the blog earlier :)

    Take care.

  10. Nah- Peanut looks like her dad :P
    that was said purely for effect. the 13th comment had to be odd :)

  11. My Friend Gittu looks sooo cute...i share gaurav's bias!!!

    And i do remember you Y in this look since i have seen you in school from class 9...

    Thx for sharing the lovely pics...


  12. Cute cute cute!

    Btw did anyone tell you Peanut looks like a xerox copy of you?

  13. Peanut looks just like you. Sorry vijay!!!

  14. Adorable snaps...loved ur knees in the third snap. reh does the same.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. It's Friday morning in this, the wrong part of the world. I'm sitting in office, clenching my bottom and trying very hard to make time move faster. The guy in the next cubicle is talking loudly on the phone and is talking about 'leveraging' things. It has just struck me that I don't 'leverage' enough things in the corporate world. If nothing else at least I need to start using the word 'leverage' more. It's all about 'leverage' I tell you, all about 'leverage'.

  17. heyy, just did a post on d near-death experience.... :D drop over if u like... :)

  18. Oh my, you are sooo cute! I love the posing, lol. But I love the one of you eating icecream even more :D.

  19. You're lucky. You look a lot better now. Oh, and happy anniversary.

  20. Hey Y!
    I hv been reading your blog off and on. And the last time I tried posting a comment, it just wouldn't go through :(
    I hope this one does!
    I find you a good "tickle my funny bone" writer. Keep going.....
    Cheers :)

  21. The pics are sooooooooooo cute and yes Peanut looks like you exactly!!!

  22. hey Y! found your blog through parul's..
    dropped in to say hi and to tell you what you already know...those pictures are ADORABLE!!!:D :D

  23. Peanut is a complete imprint of you :), she looks just like U U U. I bet Vijay is super jealous :-)


  24. That pic with you eating icecream? Thats usually the expression on my face whenever I eat ice-cream! LOL!
    Cute pictures....


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