
Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Here I am!

Okay, there's been a lot that's happened over the last month or so. Such as:

- Peanut turning one year old. YAYY!! HAPPY BURDAY TO YOU....We had a party, she developed terribly high temperature, we panicked, she recovered, all is fine now.

- We shifted house - finally moved out of the good old mother's home and have been setting up our own place. And yes, no internet connection at home ( apart from no time) led to the lack of posts.

- At work, it's been crazy busy - one member of my team left, but another much valued erstwhile member rejoined so it's all working out well.

- Vijay has a terribly long commute to work as a result of the shift, and right now our driver Vinod has been taking me to office - I am continuing to come back at lunchtime for Peanut and therefore, there are many car rides in the day and I have started practicing driving on these silly potholed roads. Vinod claims 'Aap bahut accha chalati hai'. When I ask him why he holds on to the handbrake until his knuckles turn white, he continues 'Aap itna accha nahin chalati, Madam. Dar lagta hai'

- I have joined the gym along with Vijay. Our 'personal trainer' looks exactly like that Upen Patel chappy - except he's shorter, stouter and darker. So maybe he doesn't look EXACTLY like him, but close enough. Either way, he seems quite determined to earn his pay. Apart from his invaluable workout advice, he perceives one of his key responsibilities to be that of switching on the 'On' button on any machine that I approach. When denied of this right by my callous, thoughtless self-switching-on-of-said-machine, he looks extremely resentful. He punishes me by suggesting that I do '5 more minutes on THIS one' and '5 more minutes on THAT one'. He has also asked me when was the last time I worked out, and made no attempt to hide his surprise when I told him that I'm into regular jogging and aerobics. Despite that, I hold no grudges against him. Vijay,after just two days of working out, is convinced that he has developed great muscles and spends at least 40% of his time in the gym flexing his muscles and admiring himself in the mirror. Another 30% is spent on making funny faces at me in the mirror and attempting to cause me to fall off the treadmill. The balance is spent on actually working out. It's all very nice.

I've run out of time. Goodbye!


  1. google reader showed 4 new posts from you. now i know why. sigh.

  2. Crazy blogspot. Thats why I moved to wp.

    Anyways, I was laughing at your trainer's antics.

  3. yes we know you havent posted in a while but you cant post the same thing four times over to make up for it. it doesnt work that way.

    belated birthday wishes to the peanut!!

  4. Wow! I got so excited when I saw 4 new posts - will continue to wait in hope.

    Belated birthday hugs to the Peanut!!

  5. Happy burday Peanut. Been missing you, Y. Glad to know all is well:)
    Have you settled down in the new place yet?

  6. finally u post :)

    a very very happy birthday to the peanut!!!

    And I wanted to tell u, she's more gorgeous in real life as opposed to the pictures!

  7. I 've given you an award for going on ignoring me. Please come and collect it from my page.

  8. Happy budday peanut :)

    Finally a post :)

    But the same post 4 times over ? :(

    Possibility of fewer posts in future, because of the hectic schedules :(

  9. It looks like the whole world has beaten me to making fun of your fours posts but I won't let that stop me. First of all, some kind soul suggested that the fault lay with the website and not with the blogger. How generous people can be.

    Second of all, do you realise that by turning the machine on for you, your trainer is taking about 30% of your work out.

    And finally, welcome back ... duh duh :)

  10. happy birthday peanut!

    and to the parents of the one year old: yayayayaya! you survived, you thrived! many congratulations.

    and we had a chhota bby bloggers party- you were missed.

  11. oh and about the four new posts- waiting for a wonderful retort to all the 'lets make fun of y's four posts' - this time in triplicate.

    ( this was you can slowly move to response in duplicate and then to the normal one post at a time)


    Write...please WRITE!!!

    even if it means reading the same thing four times...


  13. Belated Happy B'day to Peanut!Hope the party rocked. Hope she has recovered to her bouncing self again.

    Belated Happy B'day to Peanut!Hope the party rocked. Hope she has recovered to her bouncing self again.

    Belated Happy B'day to Peanut!Hope the party rocked. Hope she has recovered to her bouncing self again.

    Belated Happy B'day to Peanut!Hope the party rocked. Hope she has recovered to her bouncing self again.
    ps: Two can play the game :)

  14. Happy Birthday Peanut! and welcome back Y! and yes, I did visit

  15. Belated Happy birthday to Peanut!!

    And yes - post count badhane ka achchha funda hai.

  16. Good to have you back!
    Good to have you back!
    Good to have you back!
    Good to have you back!

  17. Belated happy birthday to little Peanut.

    How do you manage to work and get to the gym? I just cannot fit it in and another gym membership is going to waste as we speak...

    Also, please note how I am being good and not mentioning how you posted the same thing four times... oh wait! I just did ;-)

  18. belated happy budday to peanut!

    happy gymming!! :D




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