
Monday, July 12, 2010

Hello to Pickle and Papad!

It's been quite a couple of weeks.

An emergency C-section at 35 weeks 3 days.
Two beautiful little baby boys.
An infection after my surgery.
Waiting for release from the hospital.

But yes...two beautiful little baby boys. Beautiful to me and Vijay, that is. All four of us have been in the hospital for over ten days now. Little Peanut has been at home for a week with Vijay's parents and brother. We've never been away from her that long.

And today we're ready to go home. So yayy!

Their jaundice will need to be monitored carefully but the doctors say it should be all fine now. So ... as before. Give us the good vibes, people!

And thanks for all the good wishes in advance, just in case I can't log on again for a while.


  1. I am sure you might have heard this before but putting the babies in the sun does work. Arhaan had jaundice at birth too and for the first two weeks it didnt go, so the paed (in khandanee Melbourne hospital) suggested what our grandmothers have been saying all along..wheeling his bassinet to the room's window and giving him dhoop ka takaur. Also making the babies have a lot of liquids so they flush out the toxins.
    And it goes without saying that we wish you a happy life now that the condiments to Life with Peanut are here.

  2. omg, congrats!!
    they're boys! for some reason i thought they'd be girls but yay! congrats again. i hope you'll put up pics soon.
    hope peanut is well, too!

  3. Congratulations, Y and Vijay! Waiting to see pics!

  4. oh wow. gosh! wow. Take care, all five of you. Sending bestest wishes your way.

  5. Congratulations!

    Sending a lot of positive warm vibes ur way :)

  6. OMG!! Congrats Y and family and welcome to Pickle and papad!

    sending all the positive vibes your way!!!


  7. Hey! CONGRATULATIONS to you and everyone in the family. :) Pickle and Papad, welcome to the world.

  8. Hey Y - congrats!!! Great to know that all is finally well with you guys :) Take care and enjoy the ride :)

  9. Congratulations! Hope your doing ok.

  10. Congrats once again and all the best for running a full(er) house. I know you will do it with your usual panache!

    Much love to the bachha party. I hope to arrive at your doorstep with a bottle of champagne (or apple juice maybe) soon.

  11. Hi Y,

    Really good news. I was checking your website everyday waiting for the NEWS. Awesome and congratulations. Girl - bob- boy wonderful combo. Fun times ahead for you.

    Take care of yourself and the babies. Please try to give as much attention to Peanut by involving her.

    Good luck and looking forward to your future fun posts with 3 kids.


  12. Congratulations! Im sure Peanut is super excited about Pickle and Papad

  13. Congratulations! Welcome babies!

    All the best for dealing with two new babies + Peanut...hope you have help!


  14. Congratulations!!!! twin boys oh how so cute. You are going to be one busy lady now.

  15. sending loads of good wishes to the little boys, to you, peanut and vijay.

    lots of love

  16. Congratulations!!!

    Hope the teeny weeny ones get better soon.

    What does peanut have to say about her little brothers?

  17. Good to hear from you, wonderful that all is well

  18. Hey great news!!! many congratulations!!!

  19. Hey Y! Congrats on the great news! Hope you are well enough to start the chronicles of the twins soon!!!Look forward to your posts.

  20. Congratulations, Y!!

    I have been a lurker on your blog for a long time, and this was too momentous to resist!


  21. Oh Yay!!!! I am thrilled for all of you. God bless the babies :)

  22. Y2K are home again! Yayyyy!!

  23. Congrats to you , peanut and Vijay , Y ! Hope you all get well soon and have fun times together!

  24. Congratulations! Hope you are back home and doing great by the time you read this. Look forward to reading about the adventures of Pickle and Papad.

  25. Congratulations! Hope you and the babies are back home and doing great by the time you read this. Look forward to reading about the adventures of Pickle and Papad.

  26. Congratulations to you and Vijay and Peanut! And here's to a quick recovery from the jaundice.. It usually goes away very soon.


  27. Congratulations! My very best wishes to you and the family. Hope you receover soon.

  28. Woha! 3 days and no one congratulated you??

    OK, here goes - C

    Hoe every one's doing great.

    I remember one of your very old posts about playing 'beech ka bandar' with Peanut and thinking that after the 'next baby' you guys can play doubles tennis -- I guess God also wanted you to have a match referee :)

    BTW, I am a long time reader...probably commenting for the 1sttime.

    Congratulation to you all again:)

  29. Awwww! Can't stop myself from using this's just so appropriate! Beautiful! Best Wishes to all 5 of you.

  30. Oh, honey, so sweet. You are the mother of 2 baby boys! I'm ecstatic. All the love coming your way. Heres to many sleepless and sweet nights:-)


  31. Oh, honey, so sweet. You are the mother of 2 baby boys! I'm ecstatic. All the love coming your way. Heres to many sleepless and sweet nights:-)


  32. Heartiest congratulations guys! God bless you and your lovely little family :)

  33. Hi! Been a lurker for long and finally had to delurk. Many congratulations! :)

  34. Congratulations!!! :-)) So awesome. So, so awesome!

  35. I am sure you might have heard this before but putting the babies in the sun does work. Arhaan had jaundice at birth too and for the first two weeks it didnt go, so the paed (in khandanee Melbourne hospital) suggested what our grandmothers have been saying all along..wheeling his bassinet to the room's window and giving him dhoop ka takaur. Also making the babies have a lot of liquids so they flush out the toxins.
    And it goes without saying that we wish you a happy life now that the condiments to Life with Peanut are here.


Hi there. Go on, say it. Well? WELL?