
Saturday, April 23, 2011

A typical day

Morning 6.45 a.m.

Have been awaken by Pickle and am in an unusually good mood in the middle of a three day weekend. So am singing a GNR song that was my favorite years ago.

Belting out 'I used to love her...but I had to kill her...I knew I'd miss I had to keep her...she's buried right in my backyaaaaard'.

Vijay opens one eye and says 'Hai raam - kya ga rahe ho, subah subah...kuchh bhajan-wajan nahi hai kya?'

I sing louder 'I used to love her...but I had to kill her...she bitched so MUCH...she drove me NUTS...and I can still hear her complaaaaiiin'.

Vijay shuts his eye and starts fervently and piously singing to try and drown me out 'Om Jai Jagdish Hare...'

Afternoon 2 p.m.

Me despairing about the clutter in the house after spending the morning trying to clean up in vain. Vijay not listening to me but working on his computer. Peanut coloring nearby.

Me: It's an impossible task to clean this house! But I have an idea. I will throw away 5 things each day.
Vijay: (Gives me the Thumbs up sign)
Me: That way, in a week I'll have thrown away 28 things!
Vijay: (Repeats Thumbs up sign)
Me (After some thought) Wait a minute. In a week, I'll have thrown away 35 things, not 28.
Vijay: (Two Thumbs Up sign)
Peanut, looking up from her coloring: MAMA! LET HE WORK!

Fine, fine. I know when I'm outnumbered.

Evening 6 p.m.

I make a dismal pronouncement on the onset of menstruation. The one major benefit of pregnancy (apart from the children of course) has always been the lack of monthly cycles. But no more, I tell my husband.

'Oh good' he responds chirpily 'Now we can have more babies!'


  1. You should definitely write more Vijay-stories. They're hilarious.

    Another major benefit I guess is the superhuman strength of hair - it just refuses to fall out, no matter how badly treated.

  2. such an amazing start to my sunday!!! so funny!! so looking forward to your book and meeting you soon!!tara terrace still awaits u:)

  3. such an amazing start to my sunday!!! so funny!! so looking forward to your book and meeting you soon!!tara terrace still awaits u:)

  4. such an amazing start to my sunday!!! so funny!! so looking forward to your book and meeting you soon!!tara terrace still awaits u:)

  5. LET HE WORK! Trust Peanut to be Daddy's advocate!
    Never mind- let the boys start talking:)

  6. Ha Ha good one and I agree with Vijay on the first one;))


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