
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Just another Tuesday

Drove myself to work at 8.30 a.m.

Nearly had accident right after telling husband trembling in passenger seat not to worry.


Took Meru cab at 5.15 p.m and now it was my turn to tremble as the Gunda-looking driver spoke on phone to his wife demanding to know whose voice it was in the background .

Reached home safe and went for a swim with Peanut.

Came back and had Papad and Pickle crawling all over me.

Had dinner with husband and a full 5 minute conversation after the kids fell asleep.

Wrote for half hour.

Could life possibly get any better?

Maybe if everything wasn't hurting so much.

But then, let us not be greedy.

1 comment:

Hi there. Go on, say it. Well? WELL?