
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

And Here Comes The Book - Just Married, Please Excuse!

Just a quick update, then.

After the loooongest wait, the most exciting thing ever for me ( oh yeah, the first pregnancy and then the twins aside, blah blah blah) is about to happen very shortly.

In April, my Book comes out.

Yes, sir. While I've been reasonably silent about it in the last few months because it was just SO far away, the time has come!

After much debating and voting on Facebook on the name, I had finally selected a couple of options - which the darling Chief Editor at Harper Collins vetoed, and I bow to her (significantly) higher wisdom in such matters.

Be prepared thus, to buy multiple copies of a rather amusing read ( so I've been told by some very few people who have read it so far) called: (Drum roll, please)

Just Married, Please Excuse!

By Yashodhara Lal Sharma.

You will be hearing a lot more about it shortly. In the meantime, your congratulations and good wishes are very much welcome in Comments. And this time, I promise to reply :-)

Go on and sing out if you're looking forward to a book-sized doze of me.

And to my esteemed blogger-turned-author friends, Parul and Kiran - I shall be leaning on you for plenty of advice!

To the rest of you - I will be leaning on you to buy several copies ( each, of course). If you've enjoyed the writing for the last few weeks, months, years on the blog - now's your chance to do me some good.

And oh, the lurkers ( and I KNOW there are lots of you, Statcounter tells me everyday) - your chance to say 'Hello and Good Luck' now. Go on, don't be shy.


  1. Hello and good luck !

    And congratulations. I'll buy.

  2. Hum Dilli issi kaar e khair keliye tou aaye thay!

  3. Hi.... All the best for the book :)


    I'm eloquent:)

  5. LG - Thanks very much :-) and I'll hold you to that.

    Aneela - Errr...thanks...I think! Ha ha!

    Vidya - many thanks, and for delurking too :-)

    Dipali, my love - yes you are!

  6. Congrats Yashodhra! First Parul then Kiran and now you...yay!!! Though I am not a regular reader, am very happy for you :) Go blogger moms!

  7. Congratulations! Wish you all the best for the book.

  8. Congrats!! This is very exciting news! Hope to get a sneak peak when I come in a couple of weeks x

  9. Apologies for being so cryptic in my good wishes .. What I was trying to hint was that my arrival in the city had coincided with Kiran's and now your announcement . I take it as setting off just the right amount of positive vibrations in the publishing industry . Best of luck, break a writing leg

  10. Congratulations!!! I have enjoyed all your blog posts and have made supreme sacrifices in anticipation of your book. You haven't blogged regularly on account of the book and I have read you as much as I'd have liked. That makes it a supreme sacrifice in my world.
    I'm sure the book will do well. Will buy a number of copies for self and as gifts for extended family and friends, as well

  11. :) good luck! long time reader, first time commenter!

  12. GOod Luck !

    Waiting to hear more about it


  13. You haven't blogged regularly on account of the book and I have not, I meant to say not read you as much as I'd have liked. That makes it a supreme sacrifice in my world.

  14. I think you should go stuff Aneelaji with laddus or something.

    Looking forward to your book, Y. Can hardly wait.

  15. Thanks a ton all...ESP the funny cryptic Aneela!

    Seriously...ur good wishes mean a lot to me!

  16. Hello!Been reading you for a few days now since I chanced upon your blog...loved your posts on the twins and Peanut...super adorable...

    Congrats on the book!Look forward to reading it:)

  17. I've been waiting for this!

    Any way to get copies shipped overseas?

    And is there any way I could get an autographed copy?

  18. Thanks Popbiscuit and Choxbox...Dewdropdream, autographed copy? You got it!

  19. Awesome Awesome!!! I am regular reader and I think I have commented before...

    Congraaats!!!! I am 100% sure it will be really good going by your blog:)

    Will get my hands on it once it is available on amazon...

    And ofcourse you should be an inspiration for many moms who made it happen with 3 kids and a full time job....really great....

    Congraats and heres to more!!


  20. You have to get the book reviewed in the papers. Do you know anybody in the press?

  21. Congratulations! I read the title and had this image of the words on a placard hanging from the back of a Beetle. Show us the cover!

  22. Congratulations! I have been following you for long and delurking now.

    Excited to read your book and you should do a post on how to manage to pack in so much in your life! I mean seriously, kudos to you!

    All the best for a grand success for your book.

  23. Congratulations! I feel I know you through your blog, and I am as proud of you as I would be if my own sister became a published author! Will the book be available in the US?

  24. Am sure to buy your book, just let me know the exact dates and of course it's availability in Chennai, else you might have to ship one for me...

    Lots of luck..

  25. exciting! Congratulations! Looking forward to reading it soon!

  26. Hey congrats...long time reader...Best of luck

  27. Congratulations Y! Delurking the first time but I am quite a regular reader for the past 4 or so years!
    Look forward to the book! :)

  28. Thanks all. you? :-)

  29. Hi Yashodhara - Congratulations, and looking forward to the book! Just the other day, someone reminded me of the Damini days - you picked the right path :) cheers and best, sumathi

  30. looking forward to yr book Y

  31. Hey Yash,
    Thats good stuff and a great milestone crossed in your life. Not everyone writes a book. Tag. There it goes and hangs on your life's resume !
    I know the feeling. I went through this ..Well not completely owning the feeling but at least as a major contributor once for a luminary's biography and adrenaline does rush when the name appears in albeit small print !

    Now to read it and Critique if you desire :) !

    warm regards


Hi there. Go on, say it. Well? WELL?